Omnis Region Encyclopedia Wiki

The Omnis Region is a project to create a Pokemon region in which all elements are suggested, submitted, and/or voted on by a community. The region itself is based off of the British Isles and a small portion of northern France, and as such is likely to be the closest neighbor to Kalos.


Omnis Pokemon

  1. Cactolin
  2. Prickolin
  3. Saguarlin
    1. Mega Saguarlin
  4. Flembry
  5. Cogris
  6. Tygear
    1. Mega Tygear
  7. Ghoti
  8. Vesfaun
  9. Bovidelf
    1. Mega Bovidelf
  10. Joviack
  11. Matulope
  12. Bublanc
  13. Joybu
  14. Phanbu
  15. Matchick
  16. Chardinal
  17. Vermidian
  18. Jaylu
  19. Cobaltine
  20. Vesartica
  21. Molner
  22. Prospander
  23. Equillna
  24. Sparquill
  25. Ruasith
  26. Spydirt
  27. Arocknid
  28. Frytle
  29. Protepup
  30. Axomite
    1. Mega Axomite
  31. Traslug
  32. Slugeel
  33. Bumfish
  34. Alglord
  35. Alchemask
  36. Miasmask
  37. Tenguard
  38. Tordial
  39. Tempurtle
  40. Territempo
  41. Jolibird
  42. Stantlord
  43. Manticub
  44. Mantiroar
    1. Mega Mantiroar
  45. Faebi
  46. Faeblyte
  47. Zovereign
  48. Kitmet
  49. Diaminx
  50. Pebbil
  51. Hillock
  52. Terreaper
  53. Wyvurm
  54. Beobane
  55. Beakade
  56. Horsola
  57. Tropiary
  58. Cherbri
  59. Valkybri
    1. Mega Valkybri
  60. Hexeon
  61. Drakeon
  62. Porpuff
  63. Orcloud
    1. Mega Orcloud
  64. Hidron
  65. Ghouldron
  66. Cauldergeist
  67. Comite
  68. Asterice
  69. Auronova
  70. Steglass
  71. Shatterdon
  72. Capacitree
  73. Peppout
  74. Habanember
  75. Gardentuan
  76. Finyang
  77. Jelled
  78. Jelluminos
  79. Panfae
  80. Simifae
  81. Panvil
  82. Simivil
  83. Panpow
  84. Simipow
  85. Pufflepeck
  86. Silkatrice
  87. Locchi
  88. Absini
  89. Mongrowl
  90. Pythorn
  91. Calfpint
  92. Baromatrix
  93. Horribulb
  94. Terribulb
  95. Despicabulb
  96. Psyrogue
  97. Mysmoncé
  98. Mysmonaj
  99. Mysmonorb
  100. Gremring
  101. Trunkup
  102. Kettlephant
  103. Pachytherm
  104. Impuki
  105. Titanuki
  106. Inklet
  107. Nevarie
  108. Romantis♀
  109. Decapulet
  110. Romantis♂
  111. Mantigue
  112. Collewe
  113. Manegrel
  114. Lupiter
  115. Dumbolt
  116. Langskold
  117. Snootle
  118. Quarble
  119. Pelascope
  120. Navarrel
  121. Geckoy
  122. Komodomok
  123. Sensloth
  124. Lullaboo
  125. Sinistrum
  126. Harpinger
  127. Hopsquatch
  128. Lycorn
  129. Jamini
  130. Slamwich
  131. Grifflet
  132. Griffraff
  133. Seismogriff
  134. Nymphacel
  135. Sphyrnacel
  136. Trochacel
  137. Sunphernix
  138. Glacipagos
  139. Azurnal
  140. Predatumn
  141. Solstinox
  142. Auraboras



Discussions for the Omnis Region can be found on its subreddit.

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